Monday, January 31, 2011

La Jornada Dariana en el Colegio Lincoln

Rubén Darío es el poeta más importante para la cultura Nicaragüense. Él es considerado el "Príncipe de las Letras Castellanas" y fue el fundador del modernismo. Por estas razones y muchísimas más se celebra en nuestro colegio la Jornada Dariana. La Jornada Dariana en nuestro colegio son unas semanas en las cuales recordamos al gran Rubén Darío con decoraciones en las clases, un acto cívico en su nombre, la elección de la Musa Dariana, concursos de Poesía y estudiamos sobre él en clases. Este año tuvimos el privilegio de recibir a un profesional especialista en Rubén Darío. Además de aprender sobre sus obras aprendimos mucho sobre el: cuando nació, donde se crio, los distintos países donde trabajo, sus diferentes oficios, sus grandes inspiraciones etc. También, en la Jornada Dariana de este año estamos aprendiendo sobre distintos poetas Nicaragüenses, como es el grande Azarías H. Pallais. Desde que recuerdo, siempre hemos realizado la Jordana Dariana. Me parece muy importante recordar a Rubén Darío como el orgullo Nicaragüense que es y a otros grandes poetas Nicaragüenses. Con todas estas actividades he aprendido mucho sobre el de una manera muy divertida.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Mc. Donald's is taking over the worlddddd!

McDonald's is part of cultural imperialism because it adds to "the procceses by which a society is brought to modern world system". McDonald's is in every part of the world and is the most consumed fast food. It has become a part of some countries' culture like for example the US. When you go to the US what you mostly eat is fast food; burgers, hot dogs, ect. constitute to their typical food and now Mc.Donald's is part of it. Many traditions in a countries' culture, like their way of eating, are changing due to fast food restaurants such as Mc. Donalds. When I go to a foreign country, not necessarily the US, I ALWAYS eat Mc.Donald's. Mc. Donald's gainings are rising up each day; they are aerning about $1.24 billion quartely per year. Although Mc. Donald's food is not healthy at ll people still eat it; it is part of their diet. They are convinced by Mc. Donald's campaigns of real meats, fat free, etc. The modern world system was directly influenced by Mc Donald's; everybody eats it! Parents start giving children Mc. Donald's when they can start to eat solid stuff. I swear my little cousin eats Mc. Donald's at leat three time a week; she is 4 years old.

BNET. http://www.http//

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

China's "non-interference" foreign policy

Asia Times Online.Copyright 1999 - 2011 Asia Times Online (Holdings), Ltd.

Sudan is most likely to separate into two independent states. China wants Sudan to keep stability because of the China National Petroleum Company (CNPC) that is stablished in Sudan. China will put in practice a policy of "wait and see" and if violence is developed between north and south Sudan, the traditional foreign policy of "non-interference" with other states internal conflicts will be under further strain. This policy is important for the five principles of peaceful coexistance according to Zhou Enlai and it was made to show  solidarity with "newly independent post-colonial states and to indicate respect for territorial sovereignty".  This policy is sometimes hard to follow for China because it has lots of contact with many nations worldwide in which they have stablished important sources of the Chinese economy. This gives China a sense of responsability over some countries. A war in a country in wich China has stablished companies, can cause a political and economic instability due to the non-interference policy.I think that this policy should be more flexible and able to be violated depending on the situation.I also think that China should be more responsable for Sudan and help them:)


China and Tibet

So imperialism, although most of the time done by force,doesn't have to bring negative effects. Tibet has been controlled by China since 1959 when the Dalai Lama's troops were defeated by the Chinese Peoples’ Liberation Army and he went into exile in India;then, in 1965 it was declared an autonomous region of China. Many positive things happened: they conserved a Dalia Lama as head along with a regional government, serfs were allowed to vote, they abolished slavery, many of the taxes were eliminated, and serfs where given jobs. Nowadays in Tibet, they have religious freedom and religion is no longer used as an instrument of repression. Education has been expanded and over 85% of children attend school, medicine has grown and not to mention economy and techonoly, which have grown as well. I think that Tibet wouldn't have the same growth if it was never taken by imperialist China, and that everything was an advantage that brough many positive things to the country and its people although today they are having problems because of the Dalai Lama. The Chinese are waiting for him to die so that they can have more control over Tibetans, and the Tibetans will bring revolts and would not know what are the right desicions without this leader; this eventually will lead to political inestability and more problems with the Chinese.

Hope Tibet Will Have a Brighter Future. 
The New York Times Opinion Pages

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

US imperialism over Africa ( Somalia)

WikiLeaks reveals U.S. imperialism’s role in Africa
By Abayomi Azikiwe
Editor, Pan-African News Wire
Published Dec 18, 2010 11:15 AM


The US has directly and indirectly intervened military in the nation of Somalia since 1992 through 1994, and from 2006 until present day. The US also forced Ethiopia to intervene in Somalia, causing millions of deaths. Besides having imperialism ideas to govern Somalia, there can also be seen imperialism from the US in Ethiopia because the US respalds its government and they force them to do things. The Ethiopian's army's goal in Somalia was to stop the ICU (Islamic Courts Union) from getting into power. The ICU is an independent alliance of commmunity organizations whose goal was to reconstruct Somalia based on people's interests intead of imperialist forces. This movement brought to Somalia a sense of social stability although it hasn't been internationally recognized since 1991. The US wanted to stop this movement so that they can get under control of Somalia. The US is being really selfish by not wanting Somalia to be stable and happy. These was revealed by wikileaks, but the US denies it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Imperialism of China over Taiwan

China vs. Taiwan

China has always been a huge leading country and is now-a-days a major power among developed countries in the world. As you may know, there has been tensions between China and Taiwan since Taiwan was once part of China but was granted independence in the 1949 Chinese Revolution. There is a huge example of imperialism between these two countries because although Taiwan was granted independence, Beijing still considers it part of its territory and it's China's major interest. The PRC (People's Republic of China) uses Taiwan's economic and military power to prevent the United Nations from recognizing Taiwan as an independent nation. China is also threating the US, and it even stopped giving money to the pentagon, because the US is selling too much weapons to Taiwan. The US is only following the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, which says that the US will defend Taiwan under any kind of military attack from China. The United States is in agreement to a peaceful unification of China and Taiwan, but China fears that Taiwan will prefer to stay sovereign. China wants to forcebly annex Taiwan. I think China should stop bothering Taiwan and just let them stay autonomous and happy:)

Tehran Times.1998-2007.The Tehran Times Daily Newspaper.
Taipei Times.1999-2011.The Taipei Times.
Yahoo Answers. 2011 Yahoo! Inc.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A meaningful gift I have received.

Since the first day we started technology class I have been thinking what I will put on this blog. I have thought for a whole week what is a meaningful gift I have received and I came up with NOTHING...Things like earrings, rings, cellphones, computers, etc have passed through my mind. I only think of materialistic things that my parents have given me, but why don't I think about all the amazing things God has given me? Although I appreciate and thank a lot all that my parents have blessed me with, the best gift that I have received is life. A great gift from God that we all humans should appreciate. Without this incredible life that God has given me I wouldn`t have been able to receive all of the other gifts that are my family, my house, love, friends, etc. I have experienced such amazing things in life for which I am always thankful:)

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
Mother Teresa